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More than 1.2 million face shields made & delivered to Nova Scotia's frontlines, including to LTC

In case you missed it: when Covid-19 reached North America and news of dire shortages of PPE in Canada made headlines here in Nova Scotia, our company hit the pause button on our Paraglide repositioning system for wheelchair users and pivoted to securing raw material and making face shields to protect frontline healthcare providers.

In just under four months, our fade shield assembly team -- comprised of more than 40 people who left the safety of their homes during a lockdown to work with us on this cause -- delivered on over 1.2 million face shields from our temporary assembly line facility set up in the gymnasiums at Prince Andrew High in Dartmouth.

Because of their efficiency, not only did we deliver on our contracts to the Nova Scotia Health Authority and The IWK Health Centre on budget and four weeks ahead of schedule, we were also able to provide thousands of face shields to local nursing homes across the province.

We have so many people to thank, and plans to do so in tangible ways once we get our post-emergency PPE feet solidly beneath us. It was a monumental effort, and it truly took a village.

* * * * *

A special thank you to the long term care facilities across Nova Scotia who were in the midst of pre-ordering Paraglide systems when we put everything on hold. We've heard from families of some of your residents who are eager to get a Paraglide unit to their loved one, and we can't wait either. The pandemic put us behind, and it put some of our suppliers behind, as they either had to shut down or pivot to create PPE as well.

We're back at it, gearing up for production, and getting ready to build over 100 Paraglides to ship out across the province early in the new year. This moment has been years in the making. We can't wait to see Paraglide change lives.



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